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1   Link   BeebEm (Windows)
BeebEm is a BBC Micro and Master 128 emulator. It enables you to run BBC Micro software on your PC. BeebEm was first developed for UNIX systems in 1994 by David Gilbert and was then ported to Microsoft Windows.
2   Link   BeebInC
Attempts to reproduce all of the hardware unctioning of Acorn BBC Model 'B' Computer. The result of which is that software written for the BBC should run on your PC.

Not active for some time.
3   Link   B-em
Tom Walker's freeware BBC Micro Emulator for DOS, Windows, Linux and Mac OS X

Support for BBC, Master, B+, 65c102 (Turbo from 4mhz to 64mhz, Z80, ARM evaluation system, 80186 (Master 512) and 65816 co-processors. FDI, BeebSID emulation.